About Dr. Nancy
Dr. Nancy Lach has been a Chiropractic Physician since 1986. Her husband, Dan, is also a Chiropractor. They have been married since 1987 and have four children. Dr. Nancy’s practice is focused 100% on healing through nutrition. She is one of approximately 500 advanced clinically trained practitioners in Nutrition Response Testing and has been helping patients achieve better health through custom designed nutrition programs since 2006.
Personal Message from Dr. Nancy
I have been passionate about nutrition for many years. Originally planning to attend Medical School, I decided to pursue a holistic approach to health that better matched my personal convictions. I graduated from Stony Brook University with a Bachelors Degree in Biology and then received my Chiropractic degree from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1986.
Over the years, I attended many post graduate seminars in the field of holistic health and nutrition. In 2006, I was introduced to an approach to nutrition that would not only provide me with the personal health improvements I had been seeking, but would also provide the kind of nutritional practice I personally believed was essential. Nutrition Response Testing allows the practitioner to thoroughly evaluate each individual and provide a clinically designed nutrition program based on the body’s response to a variety of tests.
I provide safe and effective nutritional therapy to children and adults. The programs are specific for each case and address underlying issues to get to the cause of the health challenge. The Nutritional Healing Center offers custom designed nutrition programs to address the many common health concerns from which people are suffering.
My Story
Although I had followed a relatively healthy lifestyle, I was still dealing with health and weight issues. I had been on many different supplements over the years, and yet found there were certain conditions that I could not shake. My body was holding on to extra pounds, I had frequent neck and back pain, terrible bloating after meals, and even episodes of debilitating abdominal pain. I would get temporary relief for many of my health concerns, but not the long lasting results that I had hoped for. My energy and moods fluctuated often, making caring for my four children difficult. I was doing everything the “experts” said to do, yet I wasn’t feeling or doing very well.
After only a few days on my custom designed nutrition program (based on issues revealed through Nutrition Response Testing), I noticed improvement, and after several months, I experienced major shifts in my body. I felt more balanced, my energy level maintained itself, and weight started coming off. I had finally found a nutritional healing system for myself as well as my patients, that would reveal the real underlying causes of health challenges and help each individual realize better health and achieve long lasting solutions.
My Purpose
My personal healing that occurred with Nutritional Response Testing gave me the energy to return to practice so I could help others realize renewed health and vitality. After witnessing how lives were being transformed using this approach, I made the decision to gain mastery training by attending the Advanced Clinical Training course. I am committed to helping others who are suffering or just not happy with their current health.
I am truly grateful that I finally found the tool that would enable me to improve others’ health dramatically and naturally!
After 30 years of my personal quest for optimal health and healing nutrition, and 20 years as a chiropractor, I feel that I have learned how to be truly healthy. Everything that I teach my patients, I do myself. I will continue to do this for the rest of my life. I welcome you to be part of the journey!
Wishing much health for you & your family,
Dr. Nancy Lach
Dr. Nancy Lach has been a Chiropractic Physician since 1986. Her husband, Dan, is also a Chiropractor. They have been married since 1987 and have four children. Dr. Nancy’s practice is focused 100% on healing through nutrition. She is one of approximately 500 advanced clinically trained practitioners in Nutrition Response Testing and has been helping patients achieve better health through custom designed nutrition programs since 2006.
Personal Message from Dr. Nancy
I have been passionate about nutrition for many years. Originally planning to attend Medical School, I decided to pursue a holistic approach to health that better matched my personal convictions. I graduated from Stony Brook University with a Bachelors Degree in Biology and then received my Chiropractic degree from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1986.
Over the years, I attended many post graduate seminars in the field of holistic health and nutrition. In 2006, I was introduced to an approach to nutrition that would not only provide me with the personal health improvements I had been seeking, but would also provide the kind of nutritional practice I personally believed was essential. Nutrition Response Testing allows the practitioner to thoroughly evaluate each individual and provide a clinically designed nutrition program based on the body’s response to a variety of tests.
I provide safe and effective nutritional therapy to children and adults. The programs are specific for each case and address underlying issues to get to the cause of the health challenge. The Nutritional Healing Center offers custom designed nutrition programs to address the many common health concerns from which people are suffering.
My Story
Although I had followed a relatively healthy lifestyle, I was still dealing with health and weight issues. I had been on many different supplements over the years, and yet found there were certain conditions that I could not shake. My body was holding on to extra pounds, I had frequent neck and back pain, terrible bloating after meals, and even episodes of debilitating abdominal pain. I would get temporary relief for many of my health concerns, but not the long lasting results that I had hoped for. My energy and moods fluctuated often, making caring for my four children difficult. I was doing everything the “experts” said to do, yet I wasn’t feeling or doing very well.
After only a few days on my custom designed nutrition program (based on issues revealed through Nutrition Response Testing), I noticed improvement, and after several months, I experienced major shifts in my body. I felt more balanced, my energy level maintained itself, and weight started coming off. I had finally found a nutritional healing system for myself as well as my patients, that would reveal the real underlying causes of health challenges and help each individual realize better health and achieve long lasting solutions.
My Purpose
My personal healing that occurred with Nutritional Response Testing gave me the energy to return to practice so I could help others realize renewed health and vitality. After witnessing how lives were being transformed using this approach, I made the decision to gain mastery training by attending the Advanced Clinical Training course. I am committed to helping others who are suffering or just not happy with their current health.
I am truly grateful that I finally found the tool that would enable me to improve others’ health dramatically and naturally!
After 30 years of my personal quest for optimal health and healing nutrition, and 20 years as a chiropractor, I feel that I have learned how to be truly healthy. Everything that I teach my patients, I do myself. I will continue to do this for the rest of my life. I welcome you to be part of the journey!
Wishing much health for you & your family,
Dr. Nancy Lach